Sunday, June 20, 2010

In The Beginning

A contrarian by definition is someone who is disposed to taking positions that question or oppose accepted wisdom, opinion or policy. But being a contrarian for its own sake or merely promoting one's self serves little purpose. The goal of this blog is to provide insight into the evolving sports scene, in the process shedding light on new developments as well as exposing the shortcomings of conventional wisdom where appropriate. Your views are welcome provided they adhere to a few basic principles such as courtesy and thoughtfulness. Thanks for your interest and remember that while sports is not a question of life or death, how you play the game reveals who you really are.

1 comment:

  1. Is it true that not only were you an acclaimed editor but also a reknown commissioner (during the winter months in Tucson, Az.)?
    As for your golf column, can you imagine how good Tiger would have been in the past had he not been so busy cheating on his wife. Golf, like most sports. requires mental concentration. You would think all his girl friends would have been a mental distraction!

